Thursday, December 9, 2010

Deceeember, Deceeemmbeerr

It's getting cold here in Florida, can I get a hallelujah?
Seeing as the weather is too cold for me, I've been spending some more time inside... painting.
I'm trying really hard to paint with watercolors and gouache, but it's so damn hard. Here are two paintings I've created on the past two days:

This is a Pink Girl. I honestly really, really like how her face came out. AND HER HAIR! I am proud of it... the way the colors came out, anyways. I HATE THE SHAPE! It looks like a helmet. It's too big on top, and too bland and stiff looking. Other than that, I'm cool with it.

Here's a link to a bad picture of it. I didn't feel like scanning it (sorry!)

Here's another painting I did in the past 2 days. I like the colors (I think blue is my new favorite color), and the way her hair came out... She is disproportionate, but that was on purpose (ahem). I am happy with this ;3

And... that's about it. I need to start taking things seriously, and maybe actually start drawing (wait for it) garments? Oh Gawd.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cositas que me gustan!

Things that I like, things that I find fascinating (or funny), things that inspire me.

Old works

Everything from charcoal, colored pencils, ink, etc!
Some are sketches, some are commissions, others are just random stuff that I have done over the years.


Gio <3

Random doodles

Like I said before, I LOVE drawing with pens. But, the annoying thing about them is that I can't erase any of my mistakes... only photoshop can. And seeing as I DO NOT own photoshop (for now!), I have to show you my work as it is, perfect or not :)

I wouldn't necessarily call this my "work" though... more like, things that I tend to draw over and over again: eyes, eyebrows, faces, little cartoons, and upside-down eggs. Just kidding about the last one, it was suppoused to be another cartoon, but I didn't know what to do with her. Oh well.


Gio <3

Ink Sketch

One of my favorite things to do (especially when I'm bored), is to grab a pen and start sketching with it. I like how smooth the drawing comes out, and the sketchy feeling it leaves.

Here's a random sketch I came up with... I don't know what to say about her outfit, but I am overall happy with how it came out!

Maybe I'll end up cleaning it up, and actually filling it in with color. :)


Gio <3

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is one of the first watercolor paintings that I am actually somewhat proud of!

When it comes to art, I'm more of a pen, pencil, and paper sort of person, but I have always admired painting.

I LOVE WATERCOLORS! You have no idea. I still needs loads of practice, though.

By the way, expect a lot of women... one of my favorite things to draw. My guys just come out looking like girls, so, yeah.

I would love your feedback <3

Time: 1hr

Materials Used:

-Watercolor cold press paper 11" x 15
-Gouache paint
-Watercolor paint
-Le Pen pen
-Farber Castle pen (which I lost! RIP Pen)

Edited on Adobe Photoshop.
Art by Giovanna Lopez.


Hey everyone,

A little bit about myself! My name's Giovanna, and I'm a recently turned 20 year old Senior at Fashion School!

One of my biggest passions has got to be art, which is the main reason why I chose this major, and why I started this blog.

I hope to be a fashion illustrator once I am done with college, so I figured I'd share my works with you guys.

I am still learning, so I would love feedback, and I would love to read/see other's blogs, either related to fashion or not.

Hopefully I will start making stuff that's worthy of posting, but for now I will probably just post the random things that I've come up during brainstorming.


Gio <3