Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is one of the first watercolor paintings that I am actually somewhat proud of!

When it comes to art, I'm more of a pen, pencil, and paper sort of person, but I have always admired painting.

I LOVE WATERCOLORS! You have no idea. I still needs loads of practice, though.

By the way, expect a lot of women... one of my favorite things to draw. My guys just come out looking like girls, so, yeah.

I would love your feedback <3

Time: 1hr

Materials Used:

-Watercolor cold press paper 11" x 15
-Gouache paint
-Watercolor paint
-Le Pen pen
-Farber Castle pen (which I lost! RIP Pen)

Edited on Adobe Photoshop.
Art by Giovanna Lopez.


Hey everyone,

A little bit about myself! My name's Giovanna, and I'm a recently turned 20 year old Senior at Fashion School!

One of my biggest passions has got to be art, which is the main reason why I chose this major, and why I started this blog.

I hope to be a fashion illustrator once I am done with college, so I figured I'd share my works with you guys.

I am still learning, so I would love feedback, and I would love to read/see other's blogs, either related to fashion or not.

Hopefully I will start making stuff that's worthy of posting, but for now I will probably just post the random things that I've come up during brainstorming.


Gio <3